Skills Hive put together pop-up teams within a week, sourcing and managing the people you need to make your plans and projects achievable now

Whatever inputs and ideas you have already sourced, we have a lead consultant with specialist skills that can work with you to fine tune your strategy before you commit to action.

Once you know what you need we can put together a team to decide what the first version should look like, the minimum viable product that will deliver a return on investment.

Then we set you up with a team to make it real, build and implement, turn the ideas into action and measure the outputs and outcomes so you can continue to improve and refine.
why us?
We get people and projects where they need to be!
Whether you run an established business or are just starting out, accessing our flexible resourcing model means you can grow without adding any fixed cost.
If you are looking to develop a more flexible working lifestyle you can join our growing team of associates and free agents to manage and deliver projects.
We help, freelancers, founders, parents at home, graduates, students, retirees, part-timers, career explorers, corporate escapees – just about anyone with skills to put to work in the hive!
Getting People Where they want to go
Understanding your personal milestones
The timeframe you are working to
How you value time and experience

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Find out more about how we can help your business?
Join one of our project teams?
What our clients say
Helping Slenky Stay Lean...
“We love the Skills Hive model at Slenky. The team have been running projects for us almost continuously since 2013, allowing us to scale up and deliver for major clients such as Sony and Microsoft, while we keep fixed cost infrastructure lean and agile.”

A Flexible Working Solution...
“Having made the decision to move on from Apple and the corporate world, I wanted to apply my tech sector learning and experience to help smaller businesses to grow efficiently.
After meeting Mike and the team I knew this was the way to do it, a new sustainable model that is great fun to be a part of.”

core capabilities
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Living Room Sofa
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King Bed
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